This Is Impart: Education to Empower the Next Generation
In a world of increasing polarisation, we at Impart want to empower people to engage fully with the challenges of today.
We provide content and resources for people of all ages: from the early years of education, to those who have been voting for decades.
For schools, we provide a range of classroom resources that make politics, debate, and oracy lessons easy for teachers to deliver. Find out more on our Future Voters page.
Our Main content provides explanations and key arguments for a range of issues. We want to make it easy to understand the key issues and be able to debate the topics you are reading in the news. Check out our content to get started.
Equipping Future Voters and Leaders
At Impart, our mission is to empower and equip students to engage with politics, regardless of their background. We have a range of free resources and support for teachers, coaches, students and parents covering the basics of British politics and debating to ensure everyone has the information they need to participate in democracy and political discussion.